Automation and Robotics (BS program)

About the program

Automation and Robotics is a unique program among the non-public colleges in Poland. Our students are able to mix practical engineering knowledge with always necessary knowledge of matters in economics and business management. Our graduates find work in research institutes, and R&D units that develop and implement newest technologies, or in machine construction, electro-techniques or electronics industries.

The studies last:

  • full-time: 7 semesters
  • part-time: 8 semesters


Automation and Robotics of Production Processes

Having chosen this specialization, our Graduate will know production processes from the technological side. He or she will know how to design such a process together with its automation. They will gain skills of updating processes that have already existed. They will ensure the correct exploitation of these processes. They will have learned skills of visualization of industrial processes. They will be able to work in manufacturing, or as a sales representatives – a client’s advisor, or in maintenance and departmental management areas.

Information Technologies in Production Automation

Our Graduate in this specialization will be able to join Information Technology and Automation areas. Analysis and modeling of automated processes, digital signal processing, regulator circuits, operators connections, safety valves. Configuration of hardware structures, choice of algorithms and software design for a standardized automation equipment.

SMART Environmental Technologies

It’s the future of Automation and Robotics. It’s an area related to Internet technologies. Such technologies are used at homes, in agriculture, and medicine. Our Graduate will know how to design and operate communication protocols between facilities in a system. This specialization enables to learn about equipment that uses SMART technologies. Smart TV, Smart Farm, Smart Health and other areas make up today a market worth over 23 billion USD. Our Graduate will know how to use Smart technologies in technical, medical, and environmental sciences.

Mobile Robots

The Graduate in this specialization will know the rules employed in use of robots in transportation, and construction. Mobile robots include a vast diversities: flying, swimming, and crawling ones.

Why should you choose to study Automation and Robotics?

Automation and Robotics is a field of the future. The demand for specialists in this areas has been ever growing. Our students in this program learn theoretical bases, but also, or actually: most of all, practical use of Automation and Robotics equipment and programming of it. Our Graduates will gain knowledge and skills in fields related to Information Science, electronics, methods of steering of production processes, measurement systems, state-of-the-art industrial controllers and regulators, and also will be familiarized with computer support of steering circuits design. Also operational management systems, sensorics, and elements of robots will be presented in an easy to understand way. An extra value to the program will be added by courses in the field of organization leadership and supervision. Cost calculation, strategic management, or support of decision making process will enable our Graduate to understand the operations of every organization.

Automation and Robotics Graduates

Automation and Robotics graduates are employed in R&D, and in machine construction industry, in electrotechnics and electronics.

Our Graduates were appreciated also by the academics: in June 2016 Mr. Przemysław Bryk, BS, and Mr. Tomasz Szajek, BS, received an award in the national contest for an outstanding diploma thesis for students in the field of electortechnics in Poland.

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